With more than 89,5 million EU
inhabitants aged 15-29 years old without a regular job and over 1,3 million
people in NEET condition (Eurostat,2014), ECMYNN project, starting from
research activities, is focusing on innovative services to help youngsters to
go out from this condition.
Who is a NEET?
Thanks to Eurostat definition we can say NEETs
are all the people beetwen 15 and 29 years old
who are neither in
employment nor in education (scholastic , academic ..) and Training .
About training this definition concerns
both the formal and the non formal one.
The five countries involved in ECMYNN
project, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania and Poland, altough the efforts for a
large implementation of Youth Guarantee Plan in their local contextes, are
widely interested from this phenomenon. Italy and Greece, mostly, registered in
2014 NEET rates over 26% of 15-29 y.o. unemployed population, while the closest
Country to EU average (15,3%) is Poland (15,5%).
Like Eurofund suggests there are
significant differences between different tipologies of NEETs in different
national Contextes from EU, paying particolur attention to indicators such
Educational qualification: In Romania, Italy and especially
Spain (+70%) the big part of NEETs aged 15-24 y.o. has got low educational
qualification, whereas in Greece more than 10% has got a tertiary education
degree. The NEETs incidence rate with tertiary education increases compared to
the age class 25-29 y.o. In Italy the
incidence rate of this class is double than EU average.
Unemployment Extension: In Italy, Greece and Romania the
long term unemployment involves the big part of NEETs (more than 40% of
jobless), opposed to scandinavian countries, where the long term unemployment
involves less than 10% of NEETs. (Eurostat,
Concrete work experiences: In almost half of Member States,
the big part of 15-24 y.o NEETs never had work experiences, that’s particularly
conspicuous in Greece, Italy and Romania, and involves more than 70% of young
NEETs. In Spain, conversely, more than 60% of NEETs had got work experiences in
the past. For what concerns 25-29 y.o. group, more than 40% of NEETs never had
work experiences in Italy and Greece, while in Romania this incidence rate is
over 60%. (Eurostat,2015)
Inactivity: The incidence rate of inactives or
“Discouraged workers” involves more than 40% of italian, spanish and romanian
NEET aged 15-24 y.o. Inactives proportion is strictly related to NEETs
incidence in the European member states and that suggests the need of policy
interventions to re-activate the discouraged workers, as an important stimulus
to get a decrease of NEETs incidence rates at national level. Between NEETs
aged 25-29 y.o. 55% of them are inactives (EU 28 average), with higher rate
(more than 65%) in Italy and Romania. (Eurostat,2015)
The theme of “discouraged workers”
is probably the most hard to be faced, due to its many implications, and the
one which may have severe consequences on human capital accumulation during the
next years.
Togheter with others, the collected
best practices all around European context tried to give an answer to this
issue, refering mainly to three dimensions of empowerment.
Empowerment of Public Employment
Services: For European
Commission PES are very crucial actors for the delivery of the Youth Guarantee
reccomends, and they must be seen as catalyst of all social forces involved in
fighting against NEET phenomenon.
Involvement of the school system for
NEET phenomenon prevention
Involvement of local authorities to
tackle social barriers and obstacles that very often characterize the NEET
Carrying out face to face interviews
to a maximum of 10 NEETs in the partner Countries, ECMYNN project, between other relevant items,
tried to deepen the youngsters perception of these three mentioned dimensions
as well.
What emerged?
A common opinion in all the Countries is that both Insititutions and
School are not able to give a real support to the job search. Especially,
Schools is not able to transfer knowledge to be simply spent in the labour
In addition, the big part of interviewed guys, also between the
experienced ones, thinks that training courses, or post scholastic or post
degree courses, would be useful for the job search, but not a crucial factor in
this sense.
The interviewed guys are suffering a
general “sense of abandonment” from public authorities at all levels that
produces a lot of difficulties to design targeted strategies for job search,
and so almost all are looking for a job through the unpersonal context of the
WEB. Nothing good from PES or Public
Institutions in this emotional profiles, even if the young people are hoping
and waiting for the presence of an organization able to drive them individually
for finding a job and, maybe mainly, for a stronger policy at national level
able to improve their current condition of fragility.
Nicola Trinchini -
Lynx Territorio Sociale – Italy –Responsible of research activities (IO2)
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