Thursday, May 19, 2016

Evidence of IO2 - Research activities - What emerged from Web Survey?

The last IO2 activity was been a WEB Survey, carried out by a semi structured questionnaire to be filled by 15-29 NEETs in each of the 5 ECMYNN Countries.  The questionnaire was charged and administrated throught Google Drive tool.

The WEB survey on the NEET target aimed to get a structured and meaningful representation of the rationale and the practical difficulties concerning the NEET condition, as well as the critical issues concernig the systems for facilitating access to the labor market and the needs related to the overcoming of such social status.

To facilitate the collection of a representative number of answers, the NEET who filled the questionnaire not necessarily belong to the partner’s geographical area, and so each partner disseminated the web questionnaire until its own national level.

Overall, nr 1655 youth people were reached. Between them 826 was NEETs, coming from the Partner’s Countries.  

Nr of received answers
Number of reached NEETs  
% of NEETs on all the respondents   

Main gathered evidences:   

·         Medium/high level of education
·         Over 1 year unemployment
·         Confidence in school and education
·         A lot of reached NEETs were unactive, at the same time they are looking for a job and immediately available to work. 
·         No economical indipendence; support from parents. 
·         In Italy there is a lack of confidence compared to training courses, the vision is quite positive in the other Countries. 
·         In all the contextes, NEETs could not plan a professional project.   
·         Work is seen as a tool for economical indipendence and self realization
·         PEAs are not so effective and they don’t support well the NEETs in the job search. They would like to get from them effective services such as alert, customized projects, strengthening of training activities. 
·         NEETs are generally reluctant to start up companies, due to high taxes and the lack of capital. They prefer imagine themselves as employees rather than freelance or entrepreneurs. They ask for safety
·         The future is positive, NEETs perceive their condition as just temporary.

Compared to preliminary interviews carried out to a sample of 10 NEETs before starting the web survey, the following points were confirmed:

o  Generally, NEETs have got a worried and, in some cases, unhappy mood 
o  NEETs use the WEB and especially the social networks as favourite places for their interaction and participation in community interests, as well as for the job search.
o  The school is not able to give a real support to the job search, and it is not able to transfer knowledge to be simply spent in the labour market.
o  Compared to “external world” youth feel like a sense of abandonment  and discouragement.
Based on the knowledge gained through the survey, the partners got the groundwork for setting up a "right approach" to the planned training activities directed to "operators" target, which concerns the next phase of the project. Especially emergerd as follows:

Ø  The Neet condition is very emotionally connoted and the operators’approach must follow this direction;
Ø  Training activities should be enhanced, giving more value to skills and soft skills to be concretely spent in the labour market;
Ø  Customized professional projects support must be strenghthen, to mitigate the NEETs’ sense of abandonement;
Ø  NEETs must to learn how to use correctly the WEB for the job search.

Nicola Trinchini – Lynx Territorio Sociale srl – responsible of research activities (IO2)

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